Blum-Novotest stands for a qualified and focused apprenticeship in a diversified and modern environment. Your apprenticeship is the starting point for a large number of development opportunities. Take the first step!

Apprenticeships with Blum-Novotest: learn from the best.

The apprenticeship is your start in the world of work and a springboard to an exciting career. In an industrial sector that demands precision at micron level, well-trained and committed employees are the prerequisite for success. Therefore, we actively support our junior staff at Blum-Novotest and give them the skills and values they need for their professional and personal development. In the context of our leading role in technology, technical expertise is very important – but not everything. Preparing fully prepared for professional life also includes factors such as foreign languages or the ability to deal with colleagues and customers from different cultural backgrounds. As a family-run company, we pay particular attention to the personalities of our current intake of 25 apprentices at the company headquarters in Grünkraut. This means that everyone has an opportunity to develop his or her individual strengths and interests during the apprenticeship and to write his or her personal success story Blum-Novotest from the outset. 

Using opportunities: a real-life example.

Portrait Sebastian Ray in the department of electronics development
At the start of my apprenticeship as an electronics engineer for devices and systems, I had no definite plans for my career. When the opportunity presented itself, I qualified as an electrical engineer specialising in communication technology through the LED support programme at Blum-Novotest. As a result, I got the chance to spend several months gaining experience at our subsidiary in Japan. I now work at the development department at Blum-Novotest and perform system tests that guarantee the reliability of our products. Back then, I would never have imagined that this was possible. It is great to know that you can expand your horizons here at any time, both professional and personal.
Sebastian Ray
System testing technician for measuring components
  • Apprenticeship day
  • Schoolchild apprenticeship
  • Education partnership
  • Fairs:

Wie gestaltet sich die Ausbildung bei Blum-Novotest? Worauf wird Wert gelegt? Wie sieht mein zukünftiges Arbeitsumfeld aus? Schon vor der heißen Bewerbungsphase stellen sich viele wichtige Fragen, die über Deine berufliche Zukunft entscheiden. Deshalb bietet Blum-Novotest Schülern und ihren Familien beim Tag der Ausbildung einen Einblick in das Unternehmen.

Nutze die Chance – Du bist herzlich eingeladen.
Keine Anmeldung erforderlich!

Was Dich erwartet:

  • Vortrag über die Blum-Novotest GmbH
  • Besichtigung des neuen Ausbildungszentrums
  • Produktvorführung im Kundenzentrum

Der Tag der Ausbildung findet vom 11.06. – 12.06.2024 am Stammsitz in Grünkraut statt.

Wir freuen uns auf Deinen Besuch!

A schoolchild apprenticeship at Blum-Novotest means: Acquiring experience, making contacts, putting one's own capabilities to the test. A taster apprenticeship provides a first insight into working life and is an important aid when it comes to choosing one of the training professions. Those who know where their interests and strengths lie can achieve their goals more effectively when searching for an apprenticeship position. 

Blum-Novotest offers apprenticeships in the following working areas:

  • Electronics engineers for devices and systems
  • Cutting machine operators
  • Mechatronics engineers
  • Warehouse logistics specialists
  • Warehouse clerk

Apply now

An education partnership gives schoolchildren their first insight into the various processes in companies and lets them see how their future job might look. With this in mind, we have maintained an active partnership with the Spohn secondary school in Ravensburg since 2011, not least to invigorate the school’s theoretical background.

Looking to the future

Through a diverse range of projects in the school and in the company, schoolchildren of all ages are introduced to the world of work in an exciting way. For instance, sixth-graders product a flour sack on the workbench in our training workshop, while secondary school graduates programme a traffic light controller. During a recent visit by the manager of our subsidiary in Japan, the schoolchildren on the English course discussed the Japanese school systems and other topics about the country. Another joint activity was the architecture project of the 10th classes. grades. In line with topic of the art class, the schoolchildren were able to follow the construction of our new customer and employee centre follow and, in the process, grasp the individual steps involved from planning to completing a building in reality. We will also support the schoolchildren of the Spohn secondary school with diverse activities in the future, thereby investing in their education and future. After all, the schoolchildren of today are the specialists of tomorrow.

Alexander Blum, CEO of Blum-Novotest GmbH
Through the education partnership, we want to teach schoolchildren that it is not just the technical side of things that is important in today's industrial companies Foreign languages or dealing with customers from different cultural backgrounds also play an exciting role.
Alexander Blum
Managing Director
Bildungsmesse Ravensburg: 23. und 24.02.2024

Jedes Jahr im Februar präsentieren sich die wichtigsten Arbeitgeber der Region auf der Bildungsmesse in Ravensburg. Als international ausgerichtetes Unternehmen mit Sitz in Grünkraut ist Blum-Novotest immer mit einem Stand im Foyer vertreten. Hier können sich Interessierte unverbindlich informieren und alles erfahren, was sie schon immer über unser Unternehmen, die Ausbildung, das Studium und die zahlreichen Karrieremöglichkeiten im High-Tech-Umfeld wissen wollten. Das ist Deine Chance. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Wo? In der Oberschwabenhalle Ravensburg
Wann? Vom 23. und 24. Februar 2024 (08:30 - 16:00 Uhr)

Messe "zukunftWangen": 07.03.2024

Unter der Federführung des Wangener Wirtschaftskreises e.V. und dem Beruflichen Schulzentrum Wangen (BSW) bietet die zukunftwangen Schülern und Eltern die Gelegenheit, sich über Ausbildungsberufe & Studiengänge aller Art zu informieren. Längst ist sie zu einem festen Posten geworden, wenn es um die Vorstellung von Bildungswegen in der Region geht. In diesem Jahr präsentieren sich wieder über 130 Aussteller mit Angeboten rund um Ausbildung, Schule und Studium.

Auch Blum-Novotest ist für Euch vor Ort. Kommt vorbei und informiert Euch über die spannenden Ausbildungsberufe beim Weltmarktführer im Bereich Lasermesstechnik für Werkzeugmaschinen.